joi, 29 septembrie 2011


butoni cu turcoaze argintati

butoni cu piatra lunii argintati

Bijuterii The Imaginarium land of "A"

" the deep is blue"- inel cristal optic argintat

" and there was love"

"the tree of memories" colier coral argintat

" the deep is crystal" colier lanturi cu hemalite si cristale

"The moon and the sky"colier lanturi,piele , cristale si hemalite

" the spyder web"colier metal argintat si onix

"the heart of the soul" pandant piatra neagra ( culoare de cuptor sticla)argintat

"The green of the black"- inel cu agata si onix

"the planets of my sky"- inel pietre turcoaz artificiale de dimensiuni diferite

" magic noir"-inel onix de forme diferite

" my greek love bracelet"- onix,ametis,perle


"the red skull key"- vintage cu onix